Monday, August 29, 2011

Confessions of a SAHM

My confessions for today...

Sometimes I vacuum around the toys under the couch.

Sometimes I play hide and seek with the kids so I can just HIDE for a few minutes alone.

Sometimes I have to rewash clothes I have left in the washing machine too long.

Sometimes I tell my kids "only 10 more min." and it ends up being 30.

Sometimes I wash my kids feet with wet wipes because I am too tired to give them all a bath. (gross I know)

Sometimes I nod and act like I understand when I have NO idea what has been said. (regarding Turkish)

Ok, that felt great ...your turn... it's fun really. :)

Sometimes I____________________.

(If you have a minute and need a good mommy laugh click here. This is where the 'Confessions' post idea came.)

from my west corner in Turkey... Becky


  1. Sometimes, I do all of the above!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about the nodding and pretending part. I do it ALL the time here in DK.

  3. LOVE this post - you had me smiling after the first sentence :) I can relate to every one of them....

  4. Ha! I thought the wet wipes on dirty feet were my own brilliant idea! :) I have one little guy who really prefers to be barefoot and his feet need a little extra attention. :) Love your "realness" today!

  5. I thought I was the only one who smiled and nodded even when I don't understand! Oops!

    Loved your list. I think my kids are older than yours, but I'd have a long confessions list if I sat down to write it!

  6. Thanks ladies for joining in. Olive tree, I too could have quite a longer list. Maybe I should make regular confessions posts. :)

  7. Sometimes I do...all the things you said!!! Esp. the re-washing the laundry one! However, I don't think I've ever heard anyone speak Turkish...but I often pretend to understand my kids looooong stories & explinations! :)



I so enjoy your comments, they put a big smile on my go on put a big smile on my face. :) Thanks for dropping by I love having you and you are always welcome.