Friday, February 28, 2014

Homeschool Journal and Journey #4 - Our inspiration board

At the beginning of the year I put together this 'Homeschool Inspiration Board' for the girls.

The sayings and quotes are tacked onto a real "stylish" rectangle cardboard piece.

We usually prop it up at the beginning of each day and slide it behind a door or by our piano at the end of the school day. There are days we read the little quotes together but most days we don't.

The 2 quotes you can't read are: 
"Success is the sum of small efforts-repeated day in and day out." Robert Collier-author
"You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself" Ethel Barrymore

I remember being in High School and there were these signs all over the building that said..
"Today is a new day, I begin again"

It is simple and at the time I thought the signs were silly but it has stuck with me know for years and there are days I actually say that to myself. 
Sooo in light of that, I have little sayings, quotes and verses here and there because I know the girls read them and it will come back to them some day.

 I am a firm believer on helping my kids memorise scripture.  They have been memorising scripture since they could talk. :) 

Again I remember verses that my mom quoted to me when I was growing up in her home and verses that I memorised in Bible quiz when I was in 6th grade and on. These verses have come back to me in moments when I was in need of wisdom or encouragement etc. 

God's word is life giving and I love hearing my kids memorise and quote it because I really believe there will be a day that it will come to their minds at the right moment that will help them to make a good choice or remind them of God's ever present love. God's word is my source of life and I want my children to value it and hide it in their hearts. (I could go on and on about memorising scripture but I will spare you all my soap box. :))

One of the sites I use for helping my kids memorise scripture is: Bible Verse Printables

These great printouts and copy work go along with the wonderful Music CD series by SEEDS. 

There have been times that I have purchased a song from Seeds album on itunes that goes along with the verse and printout we were learning for that week.  :)

Well there's my inspiration for ya. :) 

We are currently moving apartments (this Sunday/Monday) and so may be a little scarce in my posting, but I will be back. So off I go to pack a box...

In my west corner,

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My offering

Offering: a gift- something offered in worship or devotion- sacrificial

I find a lot of  peace when the Lord gives me new insight into my current situations. The other day I had a break through in my understanding and here is a peak into it from my journal.

I want to give living without the outdoor freedom for my kids and myself as an offering to the Lord. It may be a small offering to some but to me it is and has been costly.  I have born it only as a hardship to be endured but now I see there is a better way to give it, as an offering of love to my King.

Let me be glad/honoured to give this offering to my King.

Is there a hardship in your life that you have been enduring? Is there a way for you to take that hardship and offer it to the Lord as a gift or love? The Lord knows what it is costing you and I believe it will bring a lighter heart and a greater sense of devotion to the Lord as you give an offering that costs you something. 

In my west corner ~ 
finding peace in offering my hardships to the living God. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Homemade Valentine ideas and an Audio story

Ok so Valentines day is today and in our house it is always simple but sweet. This year we are making homemade Valentines for our family.  Here are a few of my favourites for ideas that I found! Also here is a link for a 5 minute audio by:
Story Nory on the true story of valentines day.

Seriously this is my favourite of all time I think!!! Clever clever. :)

Great to make for the kiddos, our little love bugs!

This would be a fun Grandparent valentines card! 
Too bad I didn't get to it this year. ;(

Paper chain hearts: how to  @ first

We made lots of these paper chain hearts today!!! It was fun to help the girls figure how to make these on their own. We now have hearts and paper heart chains taped and hanging from the doorways! 

Also one more thing that we have done so far today is read 1 Cor. 13 :1-7 and John 15:13.
We will read the verses again at lunch and dinner and discuss what love truly is and how 
Christ is our perfect example. 

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Jn. 15:13

In our west corner enjoying each other. and that crazy little googly eye love you card!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Our morning of good-byes.

Febuary 12th has come and this morning our friends and co-workers for over 8 years 
left to move back to the States.

We have had 3 nights all together in our home. Busy, sad, heavy, comfortable, happy to be eating together, kids playing together, kids crying in intervals. 

Then at 7:00 am this morning final good byes were said and out the door they each went 
to climb in our van and head to Istanbul to start a new life in the States.

The house is empty, messy and quiet. 

The kids and I all stood together as the van pulled away and hugged and cryed some quiet tears. 
Then I let them watch some cartoons and I made a special brk for them, colored pancakes...

with a little suprise of choclate chips in 3 of the pancakes...
and the day begins and so our new season of life begins. 

Good bye dear friends and thank you. 

Received a call this afternoon from Sema a mutual friend of Alyssa's and mine. She called to see how the kids and I were doing and expressed her sadness as well. Tomorrow I will go and visit Dilek as she is also another mutual friend and we will chat and have tea and feel the loss of our friend in this city with us. 

Full of hope and a heavy heart brought by true friendship. 
 So thankful today for the 8 years of consistant friendship and fellowship and hardship that will last a life time.  

In our west corner... 

A and C - this post is as much for you as for us, we know you understand. I especially knew you would enjoy the pics. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Poems and Puppet Theatre only 2 days away! (HS J& J)

Here is a sneak peak of what will be seen at the 
Poem and Puppet Theatre
(...located down the hall and into the living room) 
in just a few days. 
(what a geek I spelled theatre WRONG...will correct soon)

A few poems that will be performed are:
Today I saw a Little Worm- by: Spike Millgen
Boa Constrictor - by: Shel Silver stein
What are you?- by: unknown

*also there will be a few EXTRAS :).
(that I had to limit as they are more made up and full of fun goofiness)
Autty put together signs for each poem 
and by whom it was written. :)

Practicing alone and then for a sweet little audience of one. :) 

We decided that we needed curtains for the puppet stage 
and since Lydia is in charge of the puppet stage she sewed the little curtains. 

We then ran a thin rope thru the fabric we had sewn over and attached the two ends of the rope to  clothes pin we had clipped on top of the puppet stage. (I can show of pic of this next time)

We have a few last minute details to complete...the monkey puppet was my responsibility along with the sign for the puppet theatre. :)  So I am working on those today. :) Tomorrow will be practice day and putting it all together. It was really fun today to see each of the girls take total responsibility for their parts in this 'production'.  

So only two more days before the 'big' production and I think this rather large cardboard puppet stage will be in our living room until at least then if not a few days after. :)

 Be on the look out for the Poems and Puppet Theatre review next week...there may even be a clip or two. 
Part 1 of Poems and Puppets. The cardboard stage.
Part 2 of Poems and Puppets. Felt puppets.

In my west corner of Turkey ~ 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Rest in the warmth (cardboard art)

This is the latest piece of cardbard art I have been working on...

Capturing the process

Picking and adding warm colors.

     This is what I have so far...
REST IN THE WARMTH ~cardboard art
 I am not ready to call it finished...something is missing. I put it away though because, well I needed to clean up my dining room table for guests and I am hoping that time away from it will bring fresh ideas when I see it again. Thanks for sharing in this process with me.   

 Be patient in the storm as you rest in the warmth...

In my west corner. 