My husband and I moved to Turkey 9 years ago with one little one in tow.  We have a cultural exchange program here in our little west corner of Turkey. We now have 3 kiddos and I am a SAHM, for the most part. ;) 

My theme for this season in life is:
Honor God, live simply, invest in others, use what you have and give the rest away.

My faith :
I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ and my greatest passion in life is to honor
my Lord with my life and every gift he has given me, one creative moment at a time.

My three treasures:

*I love to create and have found a real sense of contentment and joy in creating.
* I love a cup of tea
*I am ridiculously sentimental :)
* I enjoy teaching english as a 2nd language
*I enjoy being real and being around others who are real and not fake.
*I think one of the sweetest gifts I have ever received is my sewing machine from my husband ~when I didn't even really sew yet. He always believes in me and encourages me to be me.
*I am always going against the flow and sometime that quality drives me crazy especially living in a culture where conformity is the norm . ;)
* My kids are by far my sweetest desserts~ they are a delight to me and they have helped to make this journey to the far west corner of Turkey come with a lot of smiles and laughs. However there are days and moments that they turn from sweet desserts that you want to eat up to cold oatmeal. ;)
blogging the moments, moment by moment by moment,