Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scrap bracelets or diy bracelts

Hi there. Grabbing a cup of tea..

After this post and cutting up all the girls pants. I had (still have) a stash of left over fabric scraps.  So my oldest daughter and I went to work to see what we could create. 

We came up with some fun bracelts.

We used the scraps from the cotton pants but t-shirts would work great.
We mixed in one piece of ribbon for both of the bracelts we made.
This is a great way to help teach your daughter how to braid.:) Autty had a good time
  (frustrated on occasions) learning to braid with three pieces.

After the three pieces are braided together we then took a small piece of elastic and looped it through the braided part and then I simply hand stitched the elastic piece together.  I also snipped the endings of the ribbon and fabric so they were even.

Here is the finished product. :)
 Made by Autty and modeled by Autty.
We did these quite some time ago but I just haven't posted them (if you only knew how many back posts I have) :) and then just today I saw someone else online with this same idea except the bracelt was targeted for women. So hey I bet there is several variations to this idea (of course).

I think we are going to make a few more of these and send them as little gifts to some friends in the States. Hey, it's the little things that count, right.:)

Well our dear American friends that live here with us in this 'west corner' are going to be going to the States for part of this summer and I want to send some homemade gifts with them for my sisters and mom.  How in the world I am going to fit it in when they leave in 10 days and my daughter has a 5 year old b-day party and I wanted to make her a skirt, I do not know??? But I will give it a try. I'll let you know what I've been up to.

Grateful for the wild poppies and the spring breeze ~becky

Keep in touch I enjoy hearing from you.

Oh Yeah Our May Silly Snack Saturdays our ending and this Saturday is our last one and let me tell ya it is quite the extravaganza snack. :) Can't wait to see what you all think.


  1. These are so cute and simple! What a great idea! These are great for younger kids also, nothing they could put in their mouth! Love it!

  2. Cute! It's something the older kids can do with little help. I'd love for you to share at Fun For Kids Friday.

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  3. These are so cute & simple! Thank you for sharing! :)


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