Friday, June 3, 2011

Giveaway and Tiered skirt (I DID IT!!!)

Ok this post is going to be fun!!

First I DID IT! I finally made my first (picture worthy) from scratch skirt.  Maybe to some of you sewers it's 'no big deal', but to me, a very sewing machine challenged (even though I love mine, we just seem to argue now and again), non reader of directions girl, this is big news. :)

So today, because I believe if I can learn to sew than ANYONE can, I am hosting:
a giveaway to anyone living in Turkey!!( I have a REALLY fun giveaway planned for ALL my followers in July.)

I am giving away 100% cotton fabric to the winner ~ Yep check below for the pics.
This is my way of encourging all of you out there in need of an outlet to... go ahead and give sewing a try... sew some bookmarks or an upcycle or why not try a pillow.  :) Learn along with me and do a jig when you actually complete something.

Here is the skirt I made for my daughter's 5 year old birthday. I upcycled a shirt to match. :) Which I still need to wash so that the cut edges frey but you get the idea.

I really want to show you all how I did it and a great tutorial that was full of pics that really helped me. I'll share that in my next post.

Ok, on to the Giveaway...


This little package of care has : 
2 meters of 100% cotton fabric (enough for a skirt for your daughter, niece etc)
A light blue ribbon ~1 meter
2 summer greeting cards
1 knitted bookmark made by my dear friend
1 fabric bookmark made by me (not pictured)

So here is the Scoop:
*The drawing will be help on June 10th ~ that gives one week for you all to sign up
*I will ship it to you anywhere in Turkey
*The ship out date to the winner will be the 13th

In order to Win:
* Leave a comment in the comment box below saying you would like to win. (Turkish or English is fine)
Yep that is it!! 
(You could also e-mail me: In the subjet line put ~Giveaway ~ then include your name in the e-mail.)

~I will need a way to contact you. (So please check back on June 10th to see if you've won... you can
e-mail me your address then if you would like.)

For this giveaway I am not asking you to follow or subscibe to me, just simply leave a comment, no extra hoops to jump through. If however you find yourself coming back to my blog once, twice, or maybe even three times, :) then please join Creative Contentment by e-mail or by following along.
I would LOVE to have you !!!!!

Ok Turkey dwellers you now know the rules~~

I am super excited and looking forward to sending you this simple "package of care".

In my far west corner ~Becky

(For all of you dear followers and subscribers that don't live in Turkey I haven't forgotten you :) I have a REALLY fun giveaway planned for all my followers in July.  However for my first giveaway I wanted to invest/give to those in Turkey because I know what we can and can not get here, like how hard good fabric is to come by. I recently was so delighted by those who gave me a pile of fabric (see this post) no strings attached and I wanted to invest in the same way.  Thanks for understanding.)


  1. I would love to win! I've been following your blog (via Google Reader) from Ankara and enjoy it very much! I tried some of the silly snacks with my almost-four-year old.

  2. The skirt looks great!!! Good job Beck:) Love, sissy

  3. A giveaway is such a fun idea - thanks for thinking of that! I have been checking out your blog regularly and am so impressed with your creativity and thriftiness- definitely inspires me! I would love to win the giveaway (although my old sewing machine is currently all alone back in Canada, so I would have to figure out something there! On that note, did you buy your sewing machine new here in T?)

  4. Hi, I am really surprised that a giveaway for Turkey, and I wonder why Turkey :) Anyway, Iwould like to try to win... Love from Kocaeli/Turkey

  5. Ruth, yes the machine was bought in Turkey and it has been GREAT. Also there are some pretty fun things you can do with fabric with little to no sewing. ~ Plus having fabric around starts to inspire ..:) Thanks for joining the give away. iyi canslar

    Check out some of my sewing simple ideas.

  6. Baunca, hey so glad you joined the giveaway. WEll I live in Turkey and so I want to give to those in Turkey!! way not hey. ;)

  7. I surprised that you live in Turkey, lovely:) Where are you living? One of my blog friend may be at same town, pls write me a mail to

  8. I'm also enjoying keeping up with you via blog and have gotten into sewing more recently. Right now my project is making nursing covers for myself and a couple friends here. :-) I would love to join the giveaway!

    ~Kristin S.

  9. Well, I probably can't win the giveaway because of a conflict of interests. (I am married to the beautiful creator of this wonderful blog) but I wanted to post a comment anyway! :)

  10. Becky, we met at the education conference and my kids still talk about your sweet daughters. We made a trip to your city last month and we hope to get out that way again. It was such a beautiful drive and your city is quite lovely. I'm not sure I'm the most crafty to win your giveaway, but I have been so encouraged and challenged by your blog to find ways to create with my uber creative kiddo!

  11. Hi,pretty woman.
    I want to try.(but really I am not lucky ;)

  12. ben kazansam :) dikiş dikmeyi çok seviyorum ama acemiyim ben kazaniyim :) sevgiler bu arada çok mutlu oldum blogunuzu ve sizi tanımaktan..


  13. ben de kazanmak istiyorum, etek olmaz ama kutularımı kaplarım bende:)

  14. Hi there. Thank you for all who joined the giveaway is now over. Keep your eyes open for the next one. :) Simdi bir kadin kazandi ~ ama herkes sag.


I so enjoy your comments, they put a big smile on my go on put a big smile on my face. :) Thanks for dropping by I love having you and you are always welcome.