Monday, June 6, 2011

My life in color

Please all you living in Turkey click on this link and sign up for the fabric giveaway!!!

At the Bazar. (Pazar)
My outdoor Craft store. :)
This is where I find my pieces of ribbon and buttons and an occasional piece of fabric.


My outdoors.
This is where I find moments of hope and some
moments of laughter.

This is where you can get a cup of tea. lol :)
Beauty, charm and enjoyment are found everywhere. 

or if you rather you can come over to
my west corner in Turkey and share a cup with me. :)

I am finding contentment today in the little splashes of color God has put around me. 
I do miss my family lots today so I thought you all could drop over for a virtual tea:) and enjoy a bit of life and color in my little west corner of Turkey. ~

Thanks for dropping by.  ~ Contentment is often a choice.

Again if you live in Turkey I have a giveaway planned for June 10th. You comment that you want to win, there will be a drawing on the 10th of June and I send the winner the 'package of care' June 13th. All you have to do is comment or send me an e-mail..easy peasey!! O kadar.
  Hadi ya~ bak  Giveaway LINK


  1. I've been missing my family a lot too! However, I just got to visit them for a month, so it's not as bad as it could be. If you have time, you should swing by my blog and check it out.

  2. What a beautiful post, Becki. The bazaar looks amazing and wonderful ... the vibrant poppies are let-me-remember-this-moment-forever beautiful ... the glimpses into the culture are wonderful. I, too, am missing family today (though mine are only 12 hours away). It's been 7 years since I've been home and today I feel it more than usual. Sending hugs and virtual drink time your way. Raising a glass of cranberry juice in your honor ... :)

  3. Thanks for your pictures and thoughts about finding contentment where we are. I have been thinking about cultivating thankfulness lately, trying to add to my list of things to be thankful for every morning in my quiet time. There is so much around us if we just open our eyes!

  4. I so love to read your thoughts...and see pics of your life in Turkey. I know I have said that before, but it is worth repeating. Miss you and thinking of you...fond memories of course. Loved your post about Lydia's perspective...what is familiar and "home" to her is so different than how you grew up. What a gift you guys are giving her. I wish my Lydia and your Lydia could play someday...someday!!! blessings to you, sis! Amanda Peck


I so enjoy your comments, they put a big smile on my go on put a big smile on my face. :) Thanks for dropping by I love having you and you are always welcome.