Friday, December 16, 2011

Pom pom Christmas count down

Here is our Pom Pom Christmas tree countdown.
I have this thing with putting up trees on our kitchen wall.(like here and here to name a few) It is close to where all the kids art work is displayed and well it is wall that is always asking me to fill it with something fun. Plus we love having our Pom Pom Christmas tree right next to our kitchen table, perfect for reaching in our little cup and putting up a pom pom during breakfast.  

Nothing like putting packaging styrafoam pieces up on our wall... my mom sent a package and well, they became SNOW. ;)

Oh and I found these pom poms here. :) 
I was delighted... the top one is going to be a hand made pom pom however 
and that will be fun to do with the girls..

Well there you have it our last minute advent/count down Christmas calendar. 
Next year I am determined to have an advent Calendar that depicts the Truth of CHRISTmas, however until then we will pom pom on. ;)
The fun snowmen were made here... Napkin Snowmen.

I will say this about our Christmas decorations and pom pom tree and syrafoam snow, things do not have to be perfect to be BEAUTIFUL. 

Enjoying Christs love and wanting to share it with the world!


  1. What a fun idea! It's going to be such a pretty tree when it's all full.

  2. I love this idea! Very cute & what a fun way to countdown!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Merry Christmas,
    Beth =-)

  3. That is so cute! I wish I could be like you when I grow up: crafty and creative!

  4. Thank you ladies for you comments ..Shiloh I too think it will be full of color and pretty when all those pom pom are on.
    And Olive Tree...he he!


I so enjoy your comments, they put a big smile on my go on put a big smile on my face. :) Thanks for dropping by I love having you and you are always welcome.