Sunday, December 14, 2014

A book cake (+ crochet bombing a birthday chair)

11 years old. A book cake.

This girl is amazing. She is full of constant ideas and inspiration. She can find something fun to do in ANY situation and she usually drags her brother and sister into having fun too. She loves life and being with people. She is soft hearted and her imagination is endless. She values things that are important and at eleven is careful what she watches and reads. Her favourite books are mostly the Classics...
thus the Wizard of Oz Book Cake. :) 

Those little red 'fish' are suppose to be red shoes...
ya know the click your heels together shoes. 
Oh well :) 

We had a few girls over before we celebrated as a family
 and they made 'High Heel Cupcakes'. :) Seriously this was super easy and 
cute.  I was able to use the cake batter to make just enough for every girl to have one high heel shoe. 

I could post more pics, but I won't. Lots and lots of inspiration on pinterest if you are interested in making cupcake heels. I just used what I could find here in Turkey to duplicate it. 

Here are a few pics of some Yarn Bombing of our Birthday chair. :)
   Autumn and Lydia are learning to crochet thanks to Jenny (our fabulous Homeschool helper who is living with us for the school year). So we had a lot of crocheted yarn chains hanging about our house that Jenny used to bomb the Birthday chair. :)

Ok so maybe our yarn bombing is not quite up to standards. This is amazing isn't it. 
Love the idea of splashing color in the most unusual places. :) 


In my west corner, 

Friday, December 12, 2014

M & M - PiƱata cake

This Pinata cake is a year old. :) Well actually the cake has been eaten this pic is a year old. ;)
Hopefully it is inspiring... it was so fun to watch everyone ooh and aah as the candy started spilling out. 

As of two weeks ago my daughter just turned 11 and there is a new cake for that. :) 
However last year's b-day was an important one as the DOUBLE DIGITS hit our family! 

This cake was as fun as it looks and easier than it looks to make! Autty was so surprised when we cut into it and it exploded or rather spilled out with fun M & M treats from with in. 

We were able to celebrate at my mom's house for Autty's b-day. 
I am sad that I have no pictures of my mom and Autty together.

Of course I found most my inspiration on Pinterest for this cake. :) Here is a link to my Food Board that has the Tutorial I used. :)

As many of you know our tradition for Birthdays is that the kids get to ask for the shape they want for their cake and as long as it is in reason I try my best. I will be posting Autty's 11th Birthday cake and party tomorrow. I am confident that Autty's friend Malachi will like this next one.....

In my west corner, 