ok. I am in stage 2 of this homemade advent calendar journey. :) Yipee.
I have 4 more days and I think I will be ready! However I have my daughters birthday party on Friday and a guest on Saturday sooo..
Here is my update with some pics~
I have completed all my pieces and did a blanket stitch around the edge of my felt piece.
These sweet little guys along with the angel and stars were bought at Hobby Lobby. (minus the straw..that was my doing) :)
Having those 10 pieces to start me out REALLY gave me the kick in the pants I needed to do this project. I bought them at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off for $4, I think.
Here are a few of the little guys I made. I used felt glue for the shepards and stitched the sheep.
The little houses, path and stable were easily cut out and stitched. The camel however was a bit more challenging and I still want to stitch him. The little sign next to the 'Inn' is going to be a surprise. :)
Ok so here is the fabric I have for making pockets. 25 pockets and numbers sounds a bit daunting.
I don't have enough felt to make pockets, so I decided to use this fabric.
What do you all think green or red for the pockets?
Do you think the fabric will work instead of felt?
Well that is my update.
Using what I have in my west corner to celebrate Christ's birth as a family.