Monday, July 25, 2011

Salt dough ribboon necklaces

Giveaway, giveaway...don't forget the giveaway. Click here for pics and enter.

Today I am an early bird blogger.  As of the past two days there has been an undie wearing, sometimes naked little boy running around my house.  Potty training is in full swing and WOW, I forgot how tiring it is.  However I can say with much pride my almost three year old :) has been very succesful especially yesterday.  I am thinking 2 more days of intense training and we should be good to go. Oh and the big bag of M & Ms sitting on the counter is a great motivator for him and a consistant temptation for me. ;) 

So have you all ever tried salt dough?  I hadn’t until just a few weeks ago.  It is sooooo simple, and made with things that are inexpensive and usually in our cupboard. 
1 cup flour
1 cup salt
½ to ¾ cup water
We had a few friends over and so we divided up the dough and the kids went to town making all sorts of things, example: baby hamsters, rings, hearts etc.  After they made them we cooked them until they were really hard, allowed them to cool and then the kids painted their creations. 
I would say that I wouldn't do this now in the heat of the summer, this is NOT a project we will do again until it cool down.  No AC, here and close to 100 degrees these days. (ugh and eek) However if you have AC, why not. It is so simple and my kids loved it.

A sweet little model for these little pieces of art. :)
This is a token pic for the grandparents and me. :)

Lately I have this thing with certain spots or certain items in my house making me smile. :) So I thought I would share one of my 'this sure makes me happy' moments:

My Kids Art in patchwork display

I love the color and the personalities in my kids that I see in the pics.
this art display is in my kitchen.

Remember the GIVEAWAY ends this Friday!!!!!!!
Click here to comment and win.

Off I go to get up my little kiddos and start another day with my underoo boy. Potty training here I come!  ~Becky

Sunday, July 17, 2011

'Bottoms up' farbric bookmarks

(PLEASE all you followers of mine ~ sign up for the giveaway!!! Click here for pics and details. (Crochet flower garland and Ebru original Art) I really want to say thank you to all of you for being a part of this journey with me, so sign up to win.)

Ok so YES I have this thing for bookmarks.  I actually have grand sewing plans but time and me, well we seem to fight about priorities. So I end up creating modest items that help me try differnt things on my sewing machine.  For these bookmarks I was playing with the differnt stitch settings. Anyway, I created these little bookmarks and I have to say out of the 4 different kinds I have made (here, here and here) these being the 4th, they are my favorite.  They are so thin and well just downright cute, with those tiny ribbons stubs sticking out each side.  

Hope you enjoy the color and sweetness as much as me. 
Up is down and down is up with these bookmarks. I couldn't decide what to name them:
*Ribbon tabby bookmarks
*Both ends Bookmarks
*Stubby Fabric Bookmarks
*Bottoms up Bookmarks :) The last was the winner. :)

I know I am not the only color lover out there that could sit and play with fabric squares and scraps all day. :) I also have really starting enjoying finding projects with ribbon (since it is so easy and inexpensive to purchase here), thus, the ribbon chandelier we made for the girls dollhouse. (click here if you haven't seen it, it makes me smile and I am sure it will make you smile.) :)

Oh so very practical. :)

~ Enjoy your Monday.
From my little corner of the world to your corner, Becky

Friday, July 15, 2011

Let's be real.

(please please don't forget to sign up for the giveaway.  It is for all of you faithful friends/followers) here is the link (click here)
(some pretty fun stuff)

Words I am thinking about: judging (being judged and judging others) being real, grace, performance, expectations, lies, truth, understanding, glimpses, joy. :)

Which leads me to blogs. Blogs you say?
(Just a glimpse)
Yep ~ oh the profound things that move around in my head. :)  I think Blogs and the whole blogosphere is an amazing tool where we get to share and see glimpses into people’s lives. We see snapshots of others, their gifting, abilities and/or struggles.  However the truth is, that is all we do see, we see glimpses and parts.  The beautiful pictures of my kids smiling and crafting away, are all very true and very real but there are no pictures of the crying kids or the impatient mommy or the ubsurdly unhealthy snack that I served.  I am a mommy who knows what it is to make mistakes to put ridiculous things (like sewing or a bad attitude) ahead of the needs of my kids at times.  I am not the woman that has it all together nor do I EVER want to be displayed as one. I desire to be real about who I am and I want to be quick to share grace with others because I too know what it is to make mistakes. 

So in sharing this I will tell you a story, a story that maybe as a mom and women you too can relate to. Read on if you have an extra minute. :)

I Lied to my 5 year old:
Bedtime had finally come and that is just how it felt 'FINALLY'.  It had been 2 no 3 or wait maybe 4 days with hardly any sleep.  Two of my kids were sick and we had had three major hosting events and our closest and only other english speaking friends had just left for 3 months. I was so tired, I could barely think.  From the other room I hear my two girls arguing about something.  I went to their room (with a little bit of 'this better be good or else' attitude), my older daughter was getting into her top bunk and my middle one was getting into her lower bunk and they were yelling about how they couldn’t feel the fan on them and the other one could.  It has been very hot and the fan no longer osolates.  I decided to turn off the fan and wait until they both had self control so we could find a happy medium.  One child grabbed an attitude and the other started to cry uncontrollably (ugh) so I looked at the daughter crying and said, harshly“I don’t have the patience for this, so I want you to stop crying.”  I then proceeded to work out the fan issue and made them both happy.

As I left their room, my daughter who had been crying said to me “mommy, I was crying because when the fan is on it helps me not to be scared and I thought you were going to keep the fan off.” (this daughter had a bad dream a few nights ago and it had really been bothering her even during the day). As I left I thought about my statement to my daughter “ I don’t have the patience for this right now.”  What was I really saying, I don't have the pateince for her is how she translated it I am sure. Basically I lied to her and to myself.  God has given me EVERYTHING I need to be the mom of these three kiddos and when I have lost all strength and energy that is where He takes over and gives me what I need.  TRUTH is "I have the patience for this right now, but am I willing to walk in it." The next day I took my daughter aside and asked her to forgive me for lying to her and not asking God to help me when I needed extra patience that night. I don’t want my girls to believe lies. Lies that say "I just can't do it.  "I don't have the patience for this."  "I can't handle this anymore."  Those kind of thoughts and words will keep them (and me) from walking out the truth that God can help them (and me) in every and all situations and circumstances.  

Maybe you can relate to this story and maybe not but I wanted to remind you all as you surf through the blogosphere or encounter people throughout your day we are all very real with real issues and struggles.  It is such a  breath of fresh air to bump into a grace giver someone who doesn’t judge your disobedient, badly dressed kid etc. but sends you a smile of grace instead of a look of distaste.
"I pray that from his glorious, UNLIMITED resources (like patience) he will empower you (me) with inner strength through his Spirit.” Eph. 3:16

I am not alone on this journey of being a mom and a woman, my creator is by my side.
In my west corner ~Becky 

(if you make it through the whole post and can relate then hit the 'helpful' reaction button)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

GIVEAWAY: Little flower Garlands and EBRU Art

This Giveaway is now closed. (edited 7/30/2011)
I feel so privileged to be doing this giveaway; this giveaway is for all of you who are following/subscribing to my blog in some way. I want to say thank you for being a part of this journey with me in Turkey.  This is my way to support my friend and to celebrate Turkish art and creativity. Enjoy and have fun.
(If you are not following/subscribing yet and want to be apart of this giveaway, just become a follower or subcribe by e-mail or one of the other options on the right side of my blog.)

There are 2 giveaways. 
1) Two little red crochet flower garlands ~ made by my dear friend Ayten.

2) An original piece of 'Paper Marbling' art ~ by: Mehmet, who lives right here in our town.

You can sign up for both giveaways!!!(please do) :)
This is an international giveaway.

Here is the 1st Giveaway~

There are two red flower garlands. The longer of the two is 5.2 ft with the slightly bigger flowers. The shorter of the two is 4.5 ft. and has a small flowers.  They are both a vibrant red.  They would bring energy to any little girls room or a sweet splash of color to any room. ~ These sweet things were made by one of my dear Turkish friends here.  She lost her job and has started trying to sell her crochet items to help bring in some funds for her family.

Win it: in order to win these sweet crochet garlands:
1) Leave a comment below.
2) Leave a way for me to contact you and tell me how you are following/subcribing (ex: blogger/e-mail/google etc.)
Optional~ share this link (by facebook or e-mail) and you will win a 2nd vote. Just let me know what you did.
(My hope is for my friend Ayten to benefit from this Giveaway ~ please help me help her!)
Buy it:
If you would like one of these fun garlands in a certain color and would love to buy from someone who you know it would benefit here in Turkey this is how to do it. :)  We are selling 10 extra flower garlands.  The price is $7.00 for the short one and $8.00 for the long one through paypal. You pick the size of flower and the color out of the 5 color options we will give. Please contact me by leaving a comment or via my e-mail which is at the top of the page and more details will be sent. We ship internationally! Cost for shipping $1.50.
  *** ALL proceeds will go to my dear friend Ayten. I would love to see all 10 get sold!

Here is the 2nd Giveaway ~
I have this fascination with paper marbling. In Turkish it is called EBRU.  Every piece of art is unique and the process of Ebru is mesmerizing to watch.  Check out this post (click here) for some wonderful pictures of Ebru in action, it is created in water.  I want this  Giveaway to be a way for me to give into the culture I am living in and to give to you who are following, a piece of Turkish art and creativity.  This piece of art was made right here in my little town by an Ebru artist.  I LOVE this one and wouldn’t mind keeping it for myself.
Description:   An original piece of paper marbling art (Ebru) Tulips on a light green and white background.  Also included is a description of paper marbling and where and how it originated. The picture above does not do it justice.(remember it was created in water)
Win it: In order to win this orignal piece of Ebru art:
1.  Leave a comment below sharing with us which country you have always wanted to visit.
2. Leave a way for me to contact you and tell me how you are following/subcribing (ex: blogger/e-mail/google etc.)

Optional~ if you would like to win a 2nd vote please share this link (facebook /e-mail) and let me know you did :) Thanks

WIN BOTH: If you want to sign up for both giveaways: just state that in your comment and make sure you share with us which country you have always wanted to visit and follow the rest of the instructions given above.
Giveaway ends: July 29th, 2011at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen randomly. The winners have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
What I might do with the items:
(if they were mine :))

~ Again thanks to each of you for being a small and big part of my life. It is joy to have gotten to know new friends through blogging as well as having friends and family from afar be able to keep up with me. Much care and love to all of you, can't wait to see who wins. :)
All for now from my west corner of Turkey ~Becky

Monday, July 11, 2011

Homemade Knock Knock thank you card

***KEEP YOUR EYES OUT THIS WEEK FOR THE GIVEAWAY. I can't wait to share with you the pics of what you can win. Each item is made from someone I know here in Turkey. 

Autty made this knock Knock joke card for some of our friends back in the States who sent us a package.  Her and her sister are very much into knock knock jokes these days and truth is they have had me laughing so hard I have almost cried.  Most of it can be pure nonsense but there are a few keepers. Nomatter for some reason their ridiculous knock knock jokes; that can last a 2 full minutes, have me in tears laughing so hard. Laughter is such a wonderful thing.

Here is another homemade card she did. 

Today while I was watching my children, I had a longing to be a child again.  That sweetness and excitment over the littlest things.  Watching them as they peer in a window of a small little store and the owner comes out with a piece of candy for care free and delighted.
Maybe I just wanted the free candy ;) , however I was reminded how quickly childhood is gone. It is such a tender loving gift from our heavenly Father.  I so desire my children to enjoy childhood to the fullest and for me to enjoy this season of having three little ones.   

Enjoy the cards.  Good night from my far west corner to each of your little corners.   ~Becky

Friday, July 8, 2011

Loft party (dollhouse update)

This is no ordinary dreary,dark storage loft...nope nope nope ~
Our newly renovated loft is now a place for the
Polly Pockets to party! (cost for supplies $0)
Popcorn anyone. :)

Here are a few pics of our new loft. :) 
The ribbon mobile/ ribbon chandelier was the funnest item to make.
The girls helped me with this room quite a bit. 
The rug is an old t-shirt that Autty and me cut slits in. :)
The cushion seats are made from cork, fabric and stuffing.

Yes I went a little overboard and made a little quilted cushion.  I was just sitting there watching a movie so I thought I would put my hands to work.  Plus my girls LOVED it. Truth is the girls are just that girly, everytime I add a little piece here or there they come a running and squealing and the two of them sit and chat about it and of course start playing with the dollhouse all over again.
It is fun.

This room was my favorite to create and decorate.  I loved splashing all that color around. :)
 I think the floor needs a little extra pop but that will have to come another day/month/year. :) 

My two goofs. :)

One last peak at our loft...3 rooms down,(living room & kitchen link) only 4 more to go! I think I will take a break for a bit. :)

I hope this brings you a little inspiration to 'use what you have'.  Much care to each of you. Thank you for your comments and following along. 

FYI for those of you following along:
I have a fun announcement, I will be doing my first followers give away and yes because I tend to do things a little differnt, so my giveaway will be a tad unique.

I will be giving items away to 'Celebrate Turkish Creativity'.  The items are made by people here that I know, it will be my way of supporting them and my way of giving to all you too.  I want you to take a piece of Turkey with you as you follow along. I will be announcing the giveaway and details next week. :)  (I personally would like to keep it all for myself. :))

~Good night from Turkey and my little west corner of it.  Becky

Please don't forget to check out the fun giveaway! (click here)

Linking up to: Night Owl Crafting /Hoo's got Talent, Sew Much ado

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

DIY scrap wood dollhouse renovations

Scroll down for before and after pics!

Last Christmas ( yes, I know I have a story for everything) we decided to have a ‘homemade Christmas’.  We didn’t buy presents for the kids and wanted to try and 'use what we had' around the house and we made their gifts ourselves.  I have posted about the quilted pillows and the race car track but I just have not gotten around to the scrap wood dollhouse we made for our two little girls.  We had made the fun cardboard dollhouses (that are still around) and wanted to give their Polly’s their own permanent residence. 
We wanted to ‘use what we had’ and truth is there is no DIY Stores here so we used the scrap wood we had from an old dresser.  As you will see constructing the DIY dollhouse in an apartment can be rather messy for my kitchen. J

The following is our collection of scrap wood.

And here is what we did with it....

We barely finished the dollhouse for Christmas morning in time and I had NO time to decorate it so we gave it as is:

However the girls were delighted and have played with it faithfully on and off over the year despite it’s lack of decor.

Well renovations have begun on our Scrap wood dollhouse and inspiration has been my friend.

Here are a few before and after pics. I have completed the kitchen and living room and am working on the loft/party room.
I hope you enjoy!
Here is the kitchen. My favorite piece is the little bottel caps with a piece of fabric in the middle. :)

I made my own little shelf with cardboard and hot glued it together and then hot glued it to the wall.  I would still like to paint the little tea table and dinning room table but I am not sure what color?? White, any thoughts?

The dinning room was alot of fun!  The wall paper is fabric pieces ~ I love the patchwork look and the girls think it is great.  I used the cornstarch mixture from this post to paste it to the wall.  I am sure I will do this again on one of the other rooms.
My girls favorite piece in the living room is the little tack hooks I made.  :)
(I made the littte ottomon on the left out of cardboard and fabric with some stuffing. The coffee table is made out of 3 ribbon spools. )

I have this thing about homemade dollhouses. They have a way of growing with your girl and everytime they get a new piece of furniture or a new teapot their love for their dollhouse starts all over again.  Also when the kids get to help, paint, decorate and create it gives them so much ownership to their wonderful creation that provides HOURS of fun and imagination and helps keep the little girl in my little girls. :) Plus doing it together keeps me close to them. :)
