I made these 'sweet simple ribbon bookmarks' for some of my most cherished people. ~ They did not cost very much time or money and they fit perfectly in an envelope but I made each of them with a specific person in mind. ~
Ribbon is so accessible at the Bazars here, and fairly inexpensive to buy, so my 'use what you have' theme came in handy for me on these little gifts. :) |
Gifts the joy and the dilema.
This year I committed to being more faithful at sending birthday greetings and gifts to family back in the States. Sometimes the joy of giving a gift can be stripped by feeling the pressure to get something just perfect (which for some reason tranfers into dollar signs $) or something unique (which transferss into lots of time), or for me trying to figure if my package will make it back to the States. So I have committed this year to giving 'simply with love'. I remember my sweet sister-n-law sent me a can of 'Rebublic Tea'(ginger peach!!) with a note of things she liked about me taped to the front for my b-day... as you can see I left the note attached to the can of tea just like it came almost a year ago. (this tea is some of my favorite so I use it sparingly since I cannot get it here) anyway my point..simply sent with love a gift means so much and it DOES NOT always have to cost lots or money or time. Not that investing time and money in a gift is a bad thing but for me it cannot be every person I give a gift too. I don't want to give out of obligation and pressure, I want to give freely out of love and a smile. ~
Here is a quick picture tutorial for Ribbon Markmarks:
I hope you enjoy the simplicity with me
My little note on this tutorial is: remember to singe the bottoms of the ribbon so they do not frey.
All you need to do is take a lighter and allow the flame to singe the very bottom. Maybe just try one for practice before the orignal so you get the hang of it. |
Some days I make things so complicated, however today I am enjoying simplicity ;)
from my west corner~ Becky
Beautiful little bookmarks- perfect for posting! It's always nice to send a handmade personal gift!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Beautiful bookmakrs! You are super talented! Hope to see you on my blog:)
Two thumbs up!
Your blog is so cute!! I will definitely be following you!! :) and will be watching your blog to learn some new things!! I would love it if would check out my blog and follow me back also!!
I love the message of this post - it doesn't have to cost a lot to mean a lot! And these bookmarks are adorable. We might have to make these with the girls at church.
Thanks for linking up to Fab Friday!
Warmly, Michelle
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